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Hope for Sharon

Keesha Carter

Sharon is a beacon of light within the cancer community for so many men and women. Now, she needs us!

SC+W Family, please join us in the support of my Teal Sister & Friend, Sharon Grammer, who has been such a blessing to so many cancer survivors through her nonprofit, Fighting Cancer, Inc. She’s been fighting a rare form of stage 4 ovarian cancer for 10 years now.

Sharon has touched hundreds of men and women through her company’s Sunshine Box Project and uplifted the spirits of many women at her Annual Christian Survivor Retreat . I’ve attended 3 of her retreats and facilitated the T. E. A. L. Workshop at 2 of them and have witnessed the impact on the women who have attended.

Some of you have met her and spoken to her personally at the quarterly wrapping parties we host to help her organization. This always lifts her spirits. Our wrapping parties provide items for her company’s Sunshine Boxes, which are given to newly diagnosed cancer patients on their first day of chemotherapy.

After facing a recent recurrence, Sharon’s headed to MD Anderson in Texas on April 5th for an entire year for a much needed clinical trial, and now she needs your help! Prayerfully, this trial will be a healing experience for her body. Only God knows. Your help will at least give her the opportunity to try.

Consider donating monthly or a lump sum to cover food, living expenses, medical needs, travel, caregiver expenses, etc. Her housing alone will be $1520 per month (includes all utilities). Support “Hope for Sharon” by clicking on one of the links below. 100% of your donation will be given to Sharon. See below if you would like to mail a check. Thanks in advance for being a blessing to one of my lovely Teal Sisters!💙🦋

Together, we will make a difference!

Text to Donate: Text the code Hope4Sharon to 44-321.  

Mail Donations to:

Serenity, Courage & Wisdom, Inc. 

P. O. Box 634

Wingate, NC 28174

Keesha Carter, CEO Serenity, Courage & Wisdom, Inc. (SC+W) 



Bringing the H.E.A.T.

Hope. Empowerment. Affirmation. Transformation.

Information, advocacy, and awareness about HPV and cervical cancer.

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