coach | author | speaker
Keesha "La Luz" Carter was diagnosed in 2009, at the tender age of 28, with stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma (cervical cancer). Being a young single mother with a 2-year-old, it was by far the most surprising, devastating, and mind-blowing experience she had experienced yet! With this news, her life took a 180 degree turn into walking in her purpose.
After surgery, Keesha found out that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, which was followed by a five-month long treatment. Her treatment included several rounds of cisplatin - chemotherapy, and internal/external radiation to the cervix and pelvis. As a result of this treatment, she was thrown into complete menopause and told that she could never have children again. She knew then that she had to begin her pursuit of living her best life now!
Now cancer free, she shares her story and is passionate about helping women realize that we need to get comfortable being uncomfortable talking about all female parts and cancers. As the CEO and founder of Serenity, Courage and Wisdom, Inc., which is a 501(c)(3) organization, she is passionate about granting support to women survivors and brings awareness to the gynecologic cancers through the creative arts. Keesha is also a speaker, mentor, teacher and coach through La Luz Speaks, Inc., her company that allows her to bring the H. E. A. T. - Hope, Empowerment, Affirmation, and Transformation.
Keesha has spent most of her life thinking about her purpose and shying away from her authentic self. Now she is unapologetically walking in her power as she fulfills her purpose with passion. She has overcome a lot along the way to get her to this point and wants to help you to take the steps to reach your destiny!

LaTanya Denard-Johnson
Dream Team
Patricia Anneus
Natosha Fleming
Grants Advisor
Moann Everett
Tynetta Harris
Kristyna Carter